The Three Years Degree courses (Arts) of the college are conducted under Assam University, Silchar and, as such, governed by the Statutes, Rules & Regulations of the University.

The course consists of Six parts: 1st Semester, 2nd Semester, 3rd semester, 4th Semester, 5th Semester and 6thSemester, each with a duration of six months.

1. Duration of the course is of Six Semesters. Each of Semester is of Six months duration.

2. Total Marks: Pass Course will be of 2100 marks (350 marks in each Semester) and Honours course will be of 2400 marks (350 marks in 1st and 2nd Sem, 450 marks in 3rd and 4th sem and 400 marks in 5th and 6th Sem), in accordance to new CBCS system.

3. General group of three subjects are compulsory for all students, which:

  • General English ( First and Second Semester)
  • Modern Indian Language or Alternative English ( Third and Fourth Semester)
  • Foundation Course of Environmental studies (Fifth and Sixth Semester)

4. Each theory course paper is of 50 marks.

5. Theory Examination: 2 hours duration, two shifts per day.

Admission in college for:

  • Admission to the 1st semester should take place within 31st July, 2014
  • Provisional admission to other semesters (2nd, 3rd & 4th) must take place within 7 days after examinations of the previous semester and this must be regularized within 7 days after the declaration of the previous semester result.
  • No special permission will be entertained for any delay in admission.

  • Group/Unit wise questions should be there with at least one alternative question for each question to be answered. Questions will cover all units of the syllabus.
  • 5 questions are to be answered each bearing 10 marks.
  • There will be no separate distribution of objective type questions but may be mixed with other types of questions.
  • Marks should be splitted like 1, 2, 3 and should not be more than 10 marks.
  • In odd semester examinations, the candidate shall appear in papers of odd semester(s) only. Similarly in even semester examinations, a candidate shall appear in papers of even semester(s) only. Papers of odd and even semesters shall not be combined in one examination.
  • There should be two unit tests for each semester, and the tentative schedules are mentioned in Academic calendar.
  • For each test of 25 marks, qualifying marks is 10 (40%). If any candidate fails to take the unit test or obtain qualifying marks, one special test (not more) may be held before the submission of application forms and fees for the examination.

  • One should have 75% of attendance both in theory. 65% attendance may be considered only on special, justifiable ground and must be certified by the Principal.
  • One should have to obtain qualifying marks in the unit tests , which is 40% of marks allotted for each test.
  • A candidate shall be allowed to appear in those papers only in which he/she has secured qualifying marks in unit test.
  • If a candidate after taking admission in 1st semester could not continue the classes or could not obtain eligibility to appear in the 1st semester examinations, in such cases the student will not be allowed to continue in 2nd semester and he/she has to take fresh admission in 1st semester again in next academic year.