Bhagini Nivedita Girl’s Hostel was opened on 5th Nov. 2016 by Sri Kalpataru Nath, the then G.B. President, Janata College, Kabuganj and handed over the charge of Hostel Superintendent to Dr. Usha Rani Sharma, HoD of Manipuri department. In that time, there was no boarders in the Hostel. After a long period of gap, four students took admission in the hostel in August 2018.
The hostel has 7 rooms and the capacity of the boarders is 20 (twenty). Present, there are 8 boarders one cook and no auxiliary staff in the hostel. There are well defined rules and regulations of the Hostel and also have a committee of cleanliness and sanitation for smooth running of the hostel made by Hostel Superintendent.